Frequently Asked Questions
CCIUEA Membership & Dues Breakdown Information

How do I complete the Online Application for Membership?
- For assistance in becoming a member, please click on the image below to view the application tutorial.
How do I update personal information with PSEA?
- Visit the following web site:
- Click on 'Member Only' then login. If you are not a registered member yet, click on the link to register. To register you will need to know your SSN and PSEA membership number.
- Now click on 'Member Info Update Center' then login by using your PSEA membership number and the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
- A membership profile form will be presented for your review and modification.
Are NEA Dues deductible on my federal tax return?
A large portion of your dues is deductible. The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 eliminated the individual income tax deduction for lobbying expenses paid or incurred as a part of membership dues on or after December 31, 1993. This change affects only those members who itemize deductions and meet the two percent requirement for additional miscellaneous deductions. Those members will not be able to deduct, as union dues, the 4.25% of PSEA's 2004-2005 dues attributable to lobbying. This is a total of $15.98. Please note: this change is effective for the 2005 income tax year, i.e., your tax return due April 2006. This information was obtained from the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA)
I'm planning on retiring soon, when do I have to submit notification of my retirement to the Intermediate Unit?
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! Your letter must be submitted at least 90 days prior to retirement in order to qualify for those benefits defined in our latest contract. Click here to visit our resources page and download a sample notification letter.
Where else can I get answers to other common questions?
PSEA and other notable organizations are excellent sources of information for answers to your common and perhaps not-so-common questions. Click here to visit our resources page for links to these great organizations.